Sense, Sensibility and Responsibility
Dear you,
Let's start with some sense and sensibility today... with a dose of responsibility.
Let's start with some sense and sensibility today... with a dose of responsibility.

Our story began on a trip to the Polynesian islands, with unparalleled beauty, pristine waters and fauna and flora for the world. The beach and the ocean are parts of the environment which serve as our core inspiration for our scents. We encourage lovers of our scents to be responsible at the beach because of their intrinsic ties to our scents, and so we can fully enjoy these natural wonders in the decades to come.
Oceanic History

Clean Water Act
The act sets water quality and pollution control standards to keep America's waters clean.

The Coastal Zone Management Act
The goal of this act is to: “preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, to restore or enhance the resources of the nation’s coastal zone.”

The Beach Act
An act that mandates the EPA to develop criteria for testing, monitoring, and notifying public users of coastal recreation water problems.

Left: Trash is cleaned up on a beach. Center: Samples are collected to test water cleanliness. Right: Surfrider Foundation staff and activists collecting signatures on a surfboard through the halls of the U.S. Congress to support the initial passage of the Beach Bill. The surfboard (and the bill) ended up with over 100 signatures from U.S. Senators and Representatives alike.
The Responsible Beach Checklist
- Do not litter at the beach and dispose of trash responsibly. Relatedly, volunteer for beach cleanups.
- Keep animals from getting trapped or tangled in trash, on land and in the water.
- Be active! There is so much nature to play in.
- Keep the SPF handy.